Posts Tagged ‘Assnchat’
Make Change Your Most Significant Advantage
This idea from an article in the “Harvard Business Review” caught my attention. “As the shelf life of business strategies grows shorter, a corporation’s transformation capability becomes its only enduring advantage.” Authors N. Anand and Jean-Louis Barsoux go on to ask: “With serial transformations becoming the norm, a key strategic question for any corporate leader…
Read MoreTo Discover Possibility, Explore Options—Highlights of .orgCommunities’ Solutions in Action Program
Before 2019, could you name a virtual meeting platform? There are no points for Zoom. My guess is that not many readers could do this. Don’t you wish that you’d been ahead of that curve? It’s tough keeping up with technology. But understanding the products and services that make our lives as association leaders easier…
Read MoreIt’s Not About You—Put the MarCom Focus Where It Belongs
Are you using binoculars or a mirror to create communications? It’s more than an understatement to say that we have the tools to focus on our members. The ability to know our customers down to their preferred publications, favorite conference destination, and hot button issues has never been easier. The information at our fingertips is…
Read MoreSharing Knowledge Keeps Associations Strong—Review Newest Survey Results and C-Suite Discussion
Early in my career, I was drawn to the nonprofit world. My attraction centered around the idea of sharing. Competition defines even the friendliest corporate relationships. Associations have a happier orientation to their community. We can learn and grow from each other’s experiences. .orgCommunity exists to promote those opportunities. Our C-Suite Circles bring leaders together…
Read MoreIntegrated Planning Keeps the Glass Half-Full
In June, I thought the dust was settling. Now, with the onslaught of virulent Delta, not so much. We are still in the grip of disruption. The change seems to be that people are learning to cope. There is a shift from reactive to more deliberate approaches. Organizations are investigating technology acquisitions and launching new…
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