American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Digital Transformation | System Selection and Implementation
.orgSource supported ACOEM through every step of its transformation, including identifying systems and vendors, documenting requirements, negotiating contracts, overseeing implementations, ensuring integrations and facilitating testing.
The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, located in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, is an international society of more than 4,000 occupational physicians and associated professionals, provides leadership to promote optimal health and safety to workers, workplaces and environments.
When Bill Bruce, MBA, CAE, Chief Executive Officer, took the top spot at the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) he knew technology would be front and center on his agenda. Refreshing tired information management systems had not been a high organizational priority, and most of ACOEM’s software and hardware was begging for an update.
Having served as chief technology officer at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and chief information officer at the American Psychiatric Association, Bruce already had considerable experience managing complex IT initiatives. He called on .orgSource to provide the expert guidance he knew would be critical for such an extensive project.
Bruce wanted to improve every aspect of the association’s operations. His ambitious plans included updated software for association management, website content, finance and workflow analysis. He also wanted to roll out Office 365, and even to install a new phone system. “That might sound like a big shopping spree,” Bruce noted, “but our equipment had reached the end of its useful life and an update was imperative.”
With member and staff needs identified, shortcomings of current systems documented and a strategy in place, .orgSource supported ACOEM through every step of its transformation, including identifying systems and vendors, documenting requirements, negotiating contracts, overseeing implementations, ensuring integrations and facilitating testing.
The work went far beyond technical requirements. .orgSource and the ACOEM team used research, surveys and interviews to identify the kind of online experience members were seeking and to develop strategies to ensure that needs would not only be addressed but exceeded.
Shared Success
Anyone who has participated in introducing an AMS, LMS or website platform, has experienced the growing pains involved. While users may be genuinely excited about the shiny new toys, there is always a learning curve. Processes and procedures that worked for the old equipment must be revised to ensure that updated systems are managed effectively. Helping board and staff to easily jump these hurdles was another priority for .orgSource and Bruce.
Bruce was involved in as much of the planning as possible. “As we’ve gone through work on these projects, I’m in the meetings and on the calls whenever my schedule will allow. By actively participating in the dialogue, I can communicate my expectations and ensure everyone understands the anticipated outcomes.”
To integrate IT successfully into an organization’s strategy and culture, every employee needs to take a stake in its success. Bruce notes, “I try to be very clear that no one is exempt from learning and mastering new skills.” He is a firm believer in the concept that IT must be in everyone’s wheelhouse. In his eyes, professional growth has nothing to do with age, rank or experience.
Everyone was thrilled when the new website was selected for Gold Awards from both Marcom and Hermes! Since the launch, visits are up about eight percent and traffic has increased nearly 30 percent. With single sign-on, members have a seamless experience. There are no more paper forms to track continuing education credits. Access to online learning activities is simple. The automated integrations between ACOEM’s website and AMS reduces staff workload while also allowing for better tracking, access and filtering of important customer data.
“.orgSource as a partner punches well above its weight,” Bruce observes. “They deliver on needs in incredible fashion.”