As an entrepreneur who works in the association community, I’m always aware of the differences in these two worlds and the circumstances that influence their distinct perspectives. Associations are cautious diplomats. They try so hard to avoid a misstep that sometimes they don’t see the edge and fall off the cliff despite themselves. On the…

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I was browsing the Zappos website today. Yes, it’s that time of year, but I wasn’t shopping. My mind was on culture. Culture is a critical component of digital transformation, and issues in this area frequently surface during my consulting engagements. Research from McKinsey found that culture was the most significant self-reported barrier to digital…

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Did your organization leap or crawl into the virtual realm? The pandemic’s challenging circumstances demanded a quick transition that left many associations carrying unnecessary baggage to the other side. Trying to manage an analog culture in the digital marketplace requires heavy lifting. The new year brings an opportunity to lighten that load. You may have…

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It’s one thing when you choose to do your job at the kitchen table; It’s another to be stuck there without an alternative. By choice, the kitchen seems cozy.  When it’s the only space available—not so much. I make that distinction because remote work shouldn’t take all the fall for the perfectly understandable cultural stress…

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Can you guess the answer to this question? Virginia (Ginni) Rometty, Executive Chairman of IBM, recommended making these critical marketing shifts within the next 18 months or risk being left in the dust: What year was it? Surprisingly, Rometty made these remarks in February 2013. She was speaking to CMOs and CIOs at a leadership…

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