Posts Tagged ‘@orgsource’
Turn Ordinary into Extraordinary–Bold Ideas are Solutions Day’s Signature
Maybe we don’t need 31 Flavors. What if vanilla is the one? Pralines n’ Cream will always have a place in my top ten. But the power of simplicity is often overlooked and under-appreciated. When you focus on what’s iconic to you, you can find deeper meaning in life and work. That kind of bold…
Read MoreGood Data Governance Equals Great Member Experiences
Lately, I’ve been writing about the importance of connecting technology to values and emotions. But I may be glossing over an important point. It’s impossible to create that high-level, human-centered impact without getting into the weeds. Data is the foundation for every technological initiative. Good data governance is essential for successful digital outcomes. Data that…
Read MoreMake the Champion Disruptor Your Catalyst for Change—Use AI to Drive Transformation
If you asked me to describe the future of associations in one word, it would be “transformation.” And, if you asked why I made that choice, I would say “AI.” Maybe you are not keen on becoming a butterfly. Perhaps your organization is one of those tradition-bound groups with a history that has been a…
Read MoreDelivering Excellence in the Age of AI or Association 4.0
Part Two When the generative AI bots made their debut in early 2024, they signaled a definitive end to the idea that yesterday’s technology is good enough for today’s members. Expectations for high-touch service and personal attention are rising steadily. Sliding by on “same old, same old” is not an option in a newly competitive…
Read MoreGrounded in Tradition and Focused on the Future, A Conversation With Richard Yep, CAE, FASAE
I love talking with executives who see the association industry through a wide lens. My recent podcast guest, Richard Yep, is one of those people. Richard is a visionary thinker whose opinions are filtered through years of experience.
Read MoreDelivering Excellence in the Age of AI or Association 4.0
Excellence is never a given. Being identified as the best in anything from soccer to sales requires commitment and hard work. But for decades, associations easily held pride of place in their industries. Members saw us as a professional home, their most trusted source of advocacy and information. Yes, we had to win that loyalty.…
Read MoreNavigating the Future: How AGU Leverages Technology to Advance Earth and Space Sciences
The American Geophysical Union is an organization that revolves around science and technology. So, it was fascinating to interview Thad Lurie as a guest on my Association 4.0 Podcast. Thad is AGU’s Senior Vice President of Digital and Technology. He brings nearly 25 years of experience in IT and operations within the association industry to…
Read MoreMake Space—Lighten the Load for Your Heavy Lifters
Stuff is falling off your plate. You’re surrounded by a scary pile of responsibilities. You could delegate. But you don’t have the time to bring another staffer up to speed. Or you might hire new talent, but an opportunity to interview and onboard seems as elusive as a vacation day. Unfortunately, this Catch 22 is…
Read MoreSoft Skills Support Hard Leadership Challenges
In a digital market moving at the speed of a video game, recruiting the right staff is a make-or-break activity. But what about the other half of the equation? Most association CEOs don’t hand-pick the board. How do we bring novice players up to speed? What can we do to ensure they have the skills…
Read More.orgCommunity Leadership ColLAB Gets to the HEART of Technology
There’s always a magnet for attention in the room–that individual surrounded by a group of eager listeners. Have you ever wondered what spark makes them special? Some people just understand how to click with others. They’re good at social skills like listening, empathy, and finding common ground. The same concept applies to organizations. The associations…
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