change management
Strategies for Building a Future-Ready Association in 2025 and Beyond
As technology continues to evolve, associations face both exciting opportunities and new challenges. While the future can feel uncertain, one thing is clear: associations that take a proactive approach to digital transformation will be better equipped to adapt, grow, and succeed. Our recent .orgSource Digital Trends Survey highlights the essential strategies associations need to thrive…
Read MoreFrom Resilience to Growth: How Associations Can Succeed
Associations are navigating unprecedented challenges. The rapid pace of digital transformation, evolving member expectations, and the need for innovative solutions underscore the importance of resilience. But in an era of constant change, resilience alone is not enough. Associations must adopt a growth mindset, using change as a catalyst for improvement and innovation. Resilient organizations don’t…
Read MoreAI Initiatives in Associations Recap: A Fusion of Innovation and Actionable Insights for Association Professionals
The atmosphere at the recent AI Initiatives in Associations was electric, buzzing with the shared excitement of association professionals eager to harness the power of AI. This wasn’t just a passive learning experience; it was a launchpad, propelling attendees into a future where AI transforms the very fabric of association management. The day began by…
Read MoreMake the Champion Disruptor Your Catalyst for Change—Use AI to Drive Transformation
If you asked me to describe the future of associations in one word, it would be “transformation.” And, if you asked why I made that choice, I would say “AI.” Maybe you are not keen on becoming a butterfly. Perhaps your organization is one of those tradition-bound groups with a history that has been a…
Read MoreFocusing on Excellence Puts the National Association for Healthcare Quality Ahead of Change
People think of me as a fixer—the person you call to repair broken systems. And yes, I do my share of cleanups in the strategy, technology, and marketing aisles. But I’m also fortunate to have clients who look to me for advice on how to prevent accidents, keep innovation in stock, and attract new customers.…
Read MoreForecasting For IT in an Unpredictable Climate
It’s a game! It’s a store! It’s entertainment! Nope, it’s the metaverse—a unique amalgam of online obsessions designed to keep thumbs clicking and Venmo accounts begging for cash. Or that’s what the creators of Forever 21 Shop City seem to be aiming for. Check it out. Technology research and consulting firm, Gartner, and Forbes Magazine both…
Read MoreA Technology Assessment Connects Intention and Ability
Do you have a friend whose house looks like it belongs to neat freak Felix Unger, but the closets and drawers are clearly owned by lovable slob Oscar Madison? This Odd Couple disconnect happens to even savvy digital organizations. My writing about digital leadership often focuses on values and attitudes. But attention to the infrastructure’s nuts and…
Read MoreSolutions Day Delivers! A Meeting of Minds, a Journey to Discovery
Once upon a time, technology was an isolated country ruled by a few savants who spoke a strange language. They were powerful but others didn’t always understand, or even care to know, what magic they were up to. Today, the castle is breached. Technology’s strength lies in the opposite of its reclusive beginnings. Collaboration and…
Read MoreWhen the Talent Does the Shopping—Recruiting in a Crowded Market
Are you Gucci or Goodwill? Both brands have an audience. But when employees are shopping for a new look, it’s best to be the high-end option. Customer centricity doesn’t apply just to members anymore. Today, it’s equally important to give your employees that white glove treatment. And, if you’re looking for new talent, it’s time…
Read MoreMake Change Your Most Significant Advantage
This idea from an article in the “Harvard Business Review” caught my attention. “As the shelf life of business strategies grows shorter, a corporation’s transformation capability becomes its only enduring advantage.” Authors N. Anand and Jean-Louis Barsoux go on to ask: “With serial transformations becoming the norm, a key strategic question for any corporate leader…
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