Once upon a time, technology was an isolated country ruled by a few savants who spoke a strange language. They were powerful but others didn’t always understand, or even care to know, what magic they were up to. Today, the castle is breached. Technology’s strength lies in the opposite of its reclusive beginnings. Collaboration and…

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This week’s food bill could have financed last year’s luxury vacation. The grocery store receipt is an emphatic reminder of the need to provide member value. Interest rates are rising, and fears of a recession are spiking concern across the economic horizon. Are membership dues on the chopping block? If you aren’t giving members professional…

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Remember Blockbuster? Technology eats business models for breakfast. In 2016, I wrote a post titled, “Could Membership Organizations Become a Dying Model?” This article still has a top slot in my site’s analytics. It seems the question isn’t settled. But time and technology have me looking at the issue through a different lens. Six years…

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In a business climate that feels like a hurricane looms perpetually on the horizon, I’ve noticed an optimistic trend. Culture is a rising priority among CEOs. The most enlightened see positive values and a safe, equitable environment as key components of success. It seems contradictory that with the increasing focus on technology, there is also…

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Dust off the crystal ball, slosh the tea leaves, and toss the I Ching. It’s that time of year when the pundits make predictions about what’s in store for the next 12 months. Based on our last two turns around the sun, these more intuitive schemes might be as reliable as a carefully considered hypothesis.…

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When I have a tough problem, my go-to for advice is often one of our corporate partners. For years, association leaders viewed their industry counterparts as more like distant cousins than family. Today we are beginning to understand that the companies we look to for sponsorship or service have another significant offering—They are an invaluable…

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Are you an association professional with your eye on the corner office? If you also like roller coasters, bumper cars, and Whack-a-Mole, you have what it takes. Being the CEO has never been easy. The job demands a strong stomach, a resilient attitude, and the ability to take risks as well as hard knocks. That’s…

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