Oh, those pesky keywords. For communicators who would rather write sentences than algorithms, finding the phrases that will viralize your posts seems like a New York Times word game gone wrong. Good news! You don’t have to wake up at four a.m. weighing the merits of  “member satisfaction” versus “satisfying member customers.” AI, your new…

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Ode to Association Marketing Professionals By ChatGPT In marketing’s realm, an executive ponders, seeking AI’s power, new pathways to wander. With data-driven insights, campaigns take flight, Association marketing soars to new heights. AI analyzes trends, revealing new ways, unveiling patterns, unlocking marketing’s maze. Personalization thrives, engagement’s secured, executives empowered, strategies assured. Influencers are found, partnerships…

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If your brand was a person, who would it be? Wait, before you stop reading, this question isn’t as silly as it sounds. There should be someone in your organization who walks in your brand’s shoes and always puts the best foot forward. This representative should be dedicated to building lasting relationships with members and…

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What can you learn from Charli D’Amelio? Don’t know who Charli is? You definitely need to keep reading.

Charli D’Amelio rules the nanosecond video clip. She is a TikTok star influencer and was the first of those ephemeral luminaries to reach 100 million followers. According to Forbes, Charli was TikTok’s highest earner in 2022.

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