If you’re looking for the perfect holiday gift for a colleague, consider joy. Most of us don’t begin the workday expecting anything joyful. In fact, according to Gallup about 85 percent of people in the global workplace are either not engaged or disengaged.

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If you’re lucky, you have colleagues who feel like family. Work families are special. The people at your job don’t have to love you, or even like you. But, if they are a bright spot in your day, it means you’re doing your part. Work families have the magic to make success a team sport.…

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It’s a game! It’s a store! It’s entertainment! Nope, it’s the metaverse—a unique amalgam of online obsessions designed to keep thumbs clicking and Venmo accounts begging for cash. Or that’s what the creators of Forever 21 Shop City seem to be aiming for. Check it out. Technology research and consulting firm, Gartner, and Forbes Magazine both…

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Until AIs can think for themselves, digital systems are tools that do their best work with human ingenuity as the driver. And one of the puzzles technology excels at helping us solve is how to understand each other. The presentation Tiffany Kerns gave at .orgCommunity’s recent Solutions Day event, centered on that idea. Tiffany explained that although the Country…

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Do you have a friend whose house looks like it belongs to neat freak Felix Unger, but the closets and drawers are clearly owned by lovable slob Oscar Madison? This Odd Couple disconnect happens to even savvy digital organizations. My writing about digital leadership often focuses on values and attitudes. But attention to the infrastructure’s nuts and…

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Once upon a time, technology was an isolated country ruled by a few savants who spoke a strange language. They were powerful but others didn’t always understand, or even care to know, what magic they were up to. Today, the castle is breached. Technology’s strength lies in the opposite of its reclusive beginnings. Collaboration and…

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