Stuff is falling off your plate. You’re surrounded by a scary pile of responsibilities. You could delegate. But you don’t have the time to bring another staffer up to speed. Or you might hire new talent, but an opportunity to interview and onboard seems as elusive as a vacation day. Unfortunately, this Catch 22 is…

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When you are the leader, you drive the team dynamics. Others take their cues from your behavior. This is an unavoidable consequence of being the boss. We feel at ease with people who are like us. So, it’s easy to promote this self-centered perspective without realizing it. But CEOs who head exceptional teams reject an…

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Martha Stewart took her company public in 1999 and became America’s first self-made female billionaire. Then, in December 2021, she acted on an illegal stock tip and was sentenced to five months in prison. You probably won’t become a billionaire and I don’t see any of my readers going to jail, but there is one…

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The introduction of ChatGPT from Open AI makes for jittery breakroom conversation. An AI whose vocabulary is limited to customer service platitudes doesn’t seem so threatening. But when the chatbot can write an essay, that’s another story. Back in 2017, McKenzie reported that: “By 2030, 75 million to 375 million workers (3 to 14 percent of the global…

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If you’re lucky, you have colleagues who feel like family. Work families are special. The people at your job don’t have to love you, or even like you. But, if they are a bright spot in your day, it means you’re doing your part. Work families have the magic to make success a team sport.…

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Until AIs can think for themselves, digital systems are tools that do their best work with human ingenuity as the driver. And one of the puzzles technology excels at helping us solve is how to understand each other. The presentation Tiffany Kerns gave at .orgCommunity’s recent Solutions Day event, centered on that idea. Tiffany explained that although the Country…

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Once upon a time, technology was an isolated country ruled by a few savants who spoke a strange language. They were powerful but others didn’t always understand, or even care to know, what magic they were up to. Today, the castle is breached. Technology’s strength lies in the opposite of its reclusive beginnings. Collaboration and…

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Needing a place to sort our your goals, daily habits and rate your progress? Our guest for this week Tom Morrison, CEO of Metal Treating Institute Management, and Professional Speaker and Life Coach, talks about his personal development system – – a 25-week challenge, which allows you to input your annual goals, note your…

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