Stuff is falling off your plate. You’re surrounded by a scary pile of responsibilities. You could delegate. But you don’t have the time to bring another staffer up to speed. Or you might hire new talent, but an opportunity to interview and onboard seems as elusive as a vacation day. Unfortunately, this Catch 22 is…

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There’s always a magnet for attention in the room–that individual surrounded by a group of eager listeners. Have you ever wondered what spark makes them special? Some people just understand how to click with others. They’re good at social skills like listening, empathy, and finding common ground. The same concept applies to organizations. The associations…

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Surprise parties can be fun. If the balloon tower featuring your age got cancelled—even better. Surprises in business aren’t so welcome. When the membership director springs a dashboard on you with every indicator trending south, it’s not a good day. Distraction is an invitation for the unexpected. If you’re playing Whack a Mole with details,…

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“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” Simon Sinek A colleague recently referred to the time before the pandemic as “innocent.” That description struck a chord with me. She was talking about how unprepared we were for the dramatic changes we experienced. Our lost innocence isn’t a bad thing. We…

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During 2023, I’ve written extensively about all things tech, from digital transformation to MarCom strategies, and more recently AI. No matter what topic I choose, one idea persists. These electronic miracles are pointless unless they are grounded in strong values, positive emotions, and productive behavior. Human drivers center digital initiatives where they need to be—on…

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Even with a friendly name like “feedback, check-in, or coaching,” a performance evaluation can be uncomfortable, or possibly downright scary.   It’s not surprising if volunteers are reluctant to scrutinize themselves in the mirror. That’s probably why more organizations don’t have a process for evaluating the board of directors, or if they do, that assessment…

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Now that “disruption” is a business catchphrase, is “resilience” an equally common term in your professional vocabulary? It’s a word that deserves a prominent place in every management team’s playbook. A global biological disaster was unique in our current experience. It introduced the idea that disruption is more like a wave than a precipice. A…

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While some businesses are writing their final pandemic chapter, the healthcare and restaurant industries continue to feel the aftershocks of seismic disruption. Nancy MacRae, MS, CEO of the Emergency Nurses Association and Kristine Hillmer, MBA, CAE, and President and CEO of the Wisconsin Restaurant Association, are leaders who guided their members through the rubble toward…

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