Are Dues on the Chopping Block? Solutions Day has Answers.
This week’s food bill could have financed last year’s luxury vacation. The grocery store receipt is an emphatic reminder of the need to provide member value. Interest rates are rising, and fears of a recession are spiking concern across the economic horizon. Are membership dues on the chopping block? If you aren’t giving members professional…
Read MoreDigital Strategists, Innovators, and Drivers Build a Relevant Future
Remember Blockbuster? Technology eats business models for breakfast. In 2016, I wrote a post titled, “Could Membership Organizations Become a Dying Model?” This article still has a top slot in my site’s analytics. It seems the question isn’t settled. But time and technology have me looking at the issue through a different lens. Six years…
Read MoreSay Goodbye to the Evil Twins and Use Disruption to Grow
Fear of change and fear of failure are the evil twins. In business, being afraid to fail is a safe strategy. Mess up and you could lose that bonus, kiss your raise goodbye, or maybe even get fired. That’s why it can be hard for people to change. The pandemic neutralized both those barriers. We…
Read MoreTo Stay on the Bull, Learn From Other Riders
Being a CEO today is a little like riding a bull. The experience is guaranteed to be bumpy. But, if you have half an hour to listen to someone else’s story, you can learn a lot about how others manage the challenge. The leaders I interview for my Association 4.0 podcast encourage me to think…
Read MoreThe Right Business Model Puts all the Wheels Into Alignment
Have you ever pushed a shopping cart with a loose, squeaky wheel? That one misalignment makes getting around the store frustrating and difficult. Associations move toward success on these four wheels. When you’re trying to get ahead, each of these elements needs to be in good working order. We devote significant time and scrutiny to…
Read MoreHeroes Shaping the Future of Education Technology
I’d like to introduce you to a group of unsung heroes. While the pandemic was making kids cranky and parents crazy, members of the California IT in Education Association (CITE), were on the frontlines restoring order. They worked tirelessly, often putting their health at risk, to ensure that every child in grades K through 12…
Read MoreHave Your Cake and Eat It Too!—A Hybrid Model of Association Management
Hybrid is not just for meetings anymore. The need to adapt to a changing environment has given creative legs to business thinking. We’re mixing, matching, and collaborating in remarkable new ways. Association CEOs and management firms are one example of a pairing that hasn’t always been viewed as a great date. However, when the chemistry…
Read MoreThe Bright Side of Disruption—.orgCommunity’s 2021 Initiatives
The challenges of 2021 also brought opportunities to learn, grow, and shift perspective. .orgCommunity’s goal is to advance this bright side of disruption. The organization, our professional development and networking affiliate, was launched by my business partner Kevin Ordonez and me to help our colleagues solve their toughest problems. Our goal is to connect association…
Read MoreHappy Holidays from the .orgSource Team
Thanks and best wishes to our friends and clients. I hope the season brings holiday magic and a break from your professional responsibilities to enjoy other activities that enrich your life. Taking time to recharge is a gift to yourself that makes a difference for everyone. Rest is a leader’s best friend. It feeds creativity,…
Read MoreSharing Knowledge Keeps Associations Strong—Review Newest Survey Results and C-Suite Discussion
Early in my career, I was drawn to the nonprofit world. My attraction centered around the idea of sharing. Competition defines even the friendliest corporate relationships. Associations have a happier orientation to their community. We can learn and grow from each other’s experiences. .orgCommunity exists to promote those opportunities. Our C-Suite Circles bring leaders together…
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